This is the part where I post unique visuals to try and grab your attention:
This is the part where I post a catchy overview of what the program is:

In a world of copy and paste branding, AI written emails, and a sea of businesses that look and feel like the exact same pinterest board, having the courage to do things differently, is a superpower. It’s your turn to find out how to build your own Million Dollar Brand.



Not just another course full of google-able topics.

Million Dollar Brand Academy is a million dollar experience.

This is the part where I explain why you should learn from me:


Hi future millionaire, I'm Kinz.

I’m assuming you already know me. If you don’t, I highly recommend diving into my free content before you buy this high level course. I do things differently and I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

My messy, at times annoying, over the top commitment to being me, has worked out in my own business (I’ve created close to $2mil in my business) and continues to work in the businesses of many clients I've worked with.

My unique blend of branding and business strategies mixed with quantum energetic principles is–in my humble opinion– a huge shift in anything I’ve seen online business wise.

I’ve helped many clients go from $0 - $100,000 - $1,000,000+.

My work has helped coaches, boutique owners, hair stylists, influencers, and so many more types of entrepreneurs. If you want to make 7-figures a year, you need a million dollar brand.

Now this is the part where I explain why you shouldn’t learn from me— wait what? Oh no! She’s deviating from the plan!

Let me air out my dirty business laundry?

Yes, I’m good at making money. But I’m even better at spending it. Don’t expect to learn how to save and spend your money wisely with me. I’m still paying off taxes from years ago.

I’m the world’s biggest procrastinator. Even writing this landing page, I’m doing it not even last minute, but two days AFTER I wanted to re-open doors.

I doubt myself all the time.

I have ZERO formal education of any kind in branding and have just learned this all from failing over and over and over again.

So if any of those things disturb you I may not be the coach for you

But if those things feel like a relief, like a permission slip to be far from perfect, far from organized, and far from a typical business CEO, Million Dollar Brand Academy could be your dream come true. Perfection is not required to make millions in your business.

This is the part where I show you how much life-changing content you'll get access to:

Over 80 audio and video trainings !!!


Let’s talk about what people in MDBA are saying about the program:

“Million dollar brand academy has forever changed me. I bought the course 1 month before I launched because I knew it would be the perfect way to jump start my million dollar brand mindset before I even made my first sale. Since then, every lesson in the course has been spot on what I needed. The best part is Kinzie is fully invested in her MBDA students. She’s not just selling the course and then leaving you, she continuously answers your questions and offers support the whole way!”
“I did not think a million dollars in sales was even in the realm of a possibility prior to going through the exercises in the Million Dollar Brand Academy. I have met some of the most impactful people in my life and business since beginning this course and I'm happy to say I hit that million dollar mark! This course is 1000x more than just building a brand, it’s about changing your mindset and your life.”
"Eeeek what CAN’T I say about MDBA?! When I first started working through the content, I learned how to properly set my goals and get clear on SO MANY THINGS. Within 2 DAYS, I made more money than I had in my biggest month. I literally couldn’t believe it. This program helped me to get past blocks I didn’t know I had. The group calls literally left me feeling expanded and capable. To say that MDBA is the most incredible program would be selling it short. It’s better than that and every person and business will benefit from this program!"

A glimpse into the experience:

Instant access to 11 modules and over 80 Audio + Video trainings on planning your empire, building your brand, marketing and selling your products, and scaling to $1,000,000+. 

A downloadable Million Dollar workbook to follow the prompts in all of the trainings.

All past group training replays. (30 calls total!)

NEW CONTENT: A brand new section full of additional teachings on the topics covered in Million Dollar Brand Academy.


NEW CONTENT: Brain upgrades combining hypnosis, RRT, and PSYCH-K modalities to program this at a deep level so your million dollar beliefs become automatic.


 It's not just enough to be good at what you do. As an entrepreneur you have to be good at building a business, too. I've learned that building money-making brands is what I'm good at. So let me help you get good at it too?

This is the part where you sign up:

Let’s make millions together, baby.


$260 a month


Sign me up!



Sign me up!